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Clinical Metabolomics of Acute Critical Illness and Links to The Endothelium
Oestrogen receptor-positive breast cancer and adverse outcome in BRCA2 mutation carriers and young non-carrier patients
Neuronal heterogeneity and plasticity in the olfactory bulb
Heiðursmálþing - Vilmundur Guðnason
Scientific innovation, the potential and the pitfalls
Jarðvinna við hús Heilbrigðisvísindasviðs í fullum gangi
Jón Pétur hlaut fyrsta styrk Vísindasjóðs Lungnasamtakanna
Tvö verkefni nemenda HVS tilnefnd til Nýsköpunarverðlauna forseta Íslands
Green actions in the lab: there really is no time to waste!
Molecular pathology of cancer and the application of clinical sequencing on tumor samples at Landspitali