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Pharmacological rescue of impaired mitophagy in Parkinson’s disease-related LRRK2 G2019S knock-in mice
Building the Australian RNA ecosystem
Uppbygging ástralska RNA vistkerfisins - fyrirlestur 22. júní
Fræðafólk og nemar við HÍ verðlaunaðir fyrir vísindastörf á Landspítala
Introduction of the BD FACSymphony™ A3 Cell Analyzer – New flow cytometer at the Department of Immunology
Role of the key autophagy protein ATG7 in tumor biology: Analysis of a mammalian specific function
Cancer in Iceland; the current and future situation
New projects supported by the Infrastructure fund, Rannís, 2019 will be shortly introduced by the project leaders
iStopMM: Early findings of a nation-wide screening study for multiple myeloma
IDH2-mediated glutamine dependency in breast epithelial cells: Implications for drug resistance.