Veterinary science
Veterinary science
Veterinary science is a field of research that involves studies of diseases and pathogens in terrestrial and aquatic animals, utilizing multiple disciplines. The field attempts to explain the cause, progress and distribution of diseases, as well as the interaction of pathogens and hosts. The predominant aspects of the activities of The Institute for Experimental Pathology, University of Iceland at Keldur are on research, surveillance and diagnostic service in veterinary medicine at laboratory level.
The institute has created a unique position in the field. Due to the geographical isolation of the country there are well defined animal breeds that have different sensitivity to several diseases than other breeds. Due to the relatively small size of the country, limited number of animal species, well defined health system and control of production, there are multiple possibilities for unique research projects.
Research Topics
At the The Institute for Experimental Pathology, University of Iceland at Keldur there is expertise and ongoing research in all the main disciplines of veterinary science, such as:
• Prionology
• Virology
• Bacteriology
• Parasitology
• Pathology
• Immunology
• Molecular biology
• Laboratory animal science

Current Research and Surveillance Projects
• Scrapie: Host genotypes, subclinical infection and persistance of the infectious agent
• The Maedi-visna virus of sheep
• Equine viruses: herpesviruses and coronaviruses
• Fish viruses
• High pathogen avian influenza
• Bacterial diseases in birds and mammals, including bacterial zoonosis
• Bacterial diseases of fish
• Antimicrobial resistance
• Parasites in shellfish, fish, birds and mammals, wild and farmed
• Fish immunology
• Summer eczema in the Icelandic horse