Want to join us?

With its recognized and engaged faculty, BMC offers excellent opportunities for masters students, PhD fellows and postdoctoral fellows to participate in cutting-edge research.

Work environment at BMC

BMC is a dynamic and international research centre. We offer good working conditions with excellent possibilities in an open, collaborative atmosphere. We offer state-of-the-art research facilities in modern laboratories. The research groups at BMC collaborate closely and all our young scientists (masters students, PhD fellows and postdocs) actively participate in all our activities.

Masters and PhD Projects

The research group of Sigríður Rut Franzdóttir is looking for enthusiastic MS students to join our team in spring/fall 2025. We want to bridge knowledge-gaps in the cell biology of neurons and interactions between motor neurons and muscles. For this we study molecules and their actions at high resolution in Drosophila neurons. Interest in advanced microscopy, neurobiology and of course the wonderful fruit flies is a must.  The projects provide broad skills ranging from DNA cloning and genome editing; through biochemical analysis and advanced fluorescent microscopy; to mastering microdissection and fly genetics.   For further information, please contact sirrut@hi.is 

Rannsóknarhópur Sigríðar Rutar Franzdóttur leitar að áhugadrifnum meistaranemum sem hefja myndu nám vor/haust 2025. Teymið vinnur að rannsóknum á frumulíffræði taugafruma og samskiptum hreyfitaugafruma við vöðva. Við rannsökum hlutverk, samskipti og aðgerðir sameinda í ofurupplausn inni í taugafrumum í ávaxtaflugunni Drosophila melanogaster. Ef þú hefur brennandi áhuga á frumulíffræði, taugalíffræði, háþróaðri smásjártækni og vilt verða sérfræðingur í einni aðal tilraunalífverunni er líklegt að þetta sé verkefni við þitt hæfi. Verkefnin veita undirstöðu í fjölmörgum aðferðum, allt frá DNA vinnu og CRISPR raðbreytingum, gegnum örkrufningar og lífefnafræðigreiningar yfir í nýjustu flúrsmásjártækni, auk þess að veita yfirgripsmikillar kunnáttu og færni í vinnu með tilraunalífverur. Áhugasöm hafi samband við Sigríði Rut sirrut@hi.is 


PhD and postdoctoral fellows

Group leaders at the BMC are always looking for highly motivated PhD fellows and postdocs. If there are currently no open calls posted on our website, excellent PhDs and postdocs are encouraged to apply to one of our groups for fellowships at any time. The chances for a position at BMC are increased significantly if you contact us well ahead of time. Please contact the Group Leader you wish to work with directly and please enclose the following materials:

  1. Cover Letter/letter of interest
  2. CV
  3. Three (3) letters of reference

Send email to skb@hi.is.