Sigurbjörg Þorsteinsdóttir
Dr. Med. Sc. Immunologist at the Institute of Experimental Pathology, University of Iceland, Keldur
E-mail: sibbath (at)
Phone: +354-585 5100
Institute for Experimental Pathology, University of Iceland Keldur, v/Vesturlandsveg, IS-112 Reykjavik, Iceland
(work in progress)

Sigurbjörg Þorsteinsdóttir did her undergraduate studies in biology at University of Iceland 1979. She worked one year at The Wistar Institute in Philadelphia on production of monoclonal antibodies and following that established that technique at Keldur. She did her doctoral studies at The Tumorbiology, Karolinska Institutet Stockholm. Her doctoral work was on the role of T cells in the control of Epstein Barr virus transformed B cells, and various aspects of B cell differentiation, functions and malignancies. After returning to Iceland 1989 Sigurbjörg worked at Keldur first studying the Maedi-visna lentivirus in sheep mainly the immune response in infection and development of vaccine against the virus. Then as a project leader for a research program on insect bite hypersensitivity in horses with the final aim of developing immunotherapy against the allergy.