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Dissecting the phagophore assembly site
Prion protein genotypes in Icelandic scrapie flocks: The effect of removing rams with a VRQ allele from Icelandic breeding stations
Vaccine development and vaccination against COVID-19
Short Vi-polysaccharide abrogates T-independent immune response and hyporesponsiveness elicited by long Vi-CRM197 conjugate vaccine
Microglia Genealogy: Microglia through the lens of evolution
Recent developments in the isolation and quantification of extracellular vesicles (EVs) from breast cell lines
Towards an integrated metabolic and gene regulatory network model of human endothelial function
Characterizing cancer-specific invasion programs and deciphering the role of natural killer cells in metastatic breast cancer
PTENpg1 antisense RNA mediates PTEN suppression in vemurafenib resistance and predicts clinical outcome in melanoma patients
Metabolic profiling on formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded breast cancer tissue using desorption electrospray ionization mass spectrometry imaging