Stefanía P Bjarnarson



Associate professor at Faculty of Medicine, Shool of Health Sciences, University of Iceland
Principal Investigator at Landspitali University Hospital 
President of Scandinavian Society of Immunology since January 2025

Email: stefbja
Telephone: +354-543 5800/+354-893 8181

Department of Immunology, Landspitali, The University Hospital of Iceland, Bldg. 14 at Eiriksgata, 101 Reykjavik, Iceland

Stefanía P Bjarnarson

2000, BSc, Molecular Biology, University of Iceland.
2014  PhD, University of Iceland, Faculty of Medicine
2014-2017 Postdoctoral research at the Department of Immunology, Landspitali,
2017 - present, Assoc. Professor at the University of Iceland, Faculty of Medicine.                                 
2017 - present, Research Specialist at the Department of Immunology, Landspitali.

Ass. Prof. Bjarnarson’s research focuses on the limitations of the neonatal immune system and how they can be circumvented by vaccination strategies, including adjuvants, mucosal and heterologous immunization. Stefanía and Prof. Ingileifs Jónsdóttir group works with neonatal mouse models for optimization of immune responses against pneumococcal using polysaccharide-protein conjugate/influenza vaccines. They study the effects of immunization routes and novel adjuvants on increased and persistence of B- and T-cell responses, but the main focus has been on dissecting the complex cellular interactions that characterize optimal induction of germinal center reaction for generation, differentiation and survival of plasma and memory cells. Stefania has also worked on polysaccharide induced hyporesponsiveness and its effects on antibodies and immunological memory. 

Current lab members:
Auður Anna Aradóttir Pind, Post-doc
Jenny Lorena Molina Estupinan , PhD student                                                                                                                          
Poorya Foroutan Pajoohian, PhD student                                                                                                                                            
Brynjar Halldórsson, BSc.

Former lab members:
Sigrún Sif Þórsdóttir, MSc student
Magdalena Dubik, BSc student
Guðbjörg J. Magnúsdóttir, MSc student                                                                                                      
Hreinn Benónísson, Post-doc                                                                                                                              
Viktor Ásbjörnsson, MD BSc-student                                                                                                              
Bjarki Leó Snorrason, MD BSc-student                                                                                                        
Valdimar Sveinsson, MD BSc-student                                                                                                              
Alda Björk Oddgeirsdóttir BSc-student

