Oral training presentation of both micro-CT and optical imaging on MILabs systems
08:30 til 12:00
Oral training presentation of both micro-CT and optical imaging on MILabs systems Wednesday 31th May at 8:30-12:00 in Læknagarður, room 201.
The presentation covers a general introduction of the system functionalities, and more detailed discussions over the whole process of both micro-CT and optical imaging on MILabs systems.
The presentation itself contains the topics listed below:
o System overview
o Safety and precautions
o Mechanical Operations
o Animal Preparation
o U-CT module introduction
o U-CT image acquisition
o U-CT image reconstruction
o OI module introduction
o 2D OI acquisition & post-processing
o 3D OI acquisition & reconstruction
o Introduction to Imalytics (U-CT & 3D OI post-processing)
The training presentation is meant to introduce the users to the full imaging workflow, focusing on the acquisition and reconstruction software and the relative available settings and capabilities of the system. The presentation is interactive, with the future users being able of course to ask at any point questions/doubts on the presented topics, to make sure the information is clearly understood. This of course serves as a very solid starting point for the following hands-on training.