Research projects at Reykjalundur
BMC Seminar Thursday 7th of October, 12:00 in Læknagarður room 201
Speaker: Marta Guðjónsdóttir physiologist Ph.D., Research Manager Reykjalundur Rehabilitation Centre, Assistant Professor, Department of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Iceland
Title: Research projects at Reykjalundur
Zoom link:
Abstract: Reykjalundur is a rehabilitation centre, located in Mosfellsbær and owned by SÍBS, a non-profit organisation. At Reykjalundur interdisciplinary rehabilitation programmes are offered in eight areas: arthritis, cardiac, chronic pain, mental health, neurological, obesity, pulmonary and vocational. A service agreement between Reykjalundur and Icelandic Health Insurance (Sjúkratryggingar Íslands) states that 1110 patients should finish an in-patient rehabilitation programme each year. For the past two decades, research infrastructure at Reykjalundur has been developed, including the establishment of a research manager, research council, research fund and an annual science day. Many students have completed a research project at Reykjalundur as part of their undergraduate or graduate university studies. In such instances the rule is that the principal investigator and supervisor of the project is a staff member from Reykjalundur while the university supervisor is an academic staff member at the university. Currently, sixteen research projects in various stages are in progress. Most of them will be mentioned in the seminar and three will be thoroughly introduced:
- Association between adverse life events and obesity
- Effect of rehabilitation on patients with long-COVID symptoms
- MicroFIBERgut: Effects of chitosan and life-style changes on gut microbiota modulation, body weight and important health markers
Marta Guðjónsdóttir physiologist Ph.D., Research Manager Reykjalundur Rehabilitation Centre, Assistant Professor, Department of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Iceland