Use of single-cell and spatial-sequencing for the study of inflammatory skin diseases
11:00 til 12:00
GPMLS: Distinguished lecture series
Dr. Gudjonsson is the Arthur C. Curtis Professor of Skin Molecular Immunology and Professor of Dermatology, and Taubman Medical Research Institute Scholar, at the University of Michigan.
Dr. Gudjonsson's primary research focus is basic immunological and genetic research on chronic inflammatory skin diseases. He has published over 180 peer reviewed papers in top tier journals including Nature Immunology, Nature Genetics, Immunity, JCI and Science Translational Medicine. He received the Young Investigator Award from the American Academy of Dermatology in 2007, and his work has earned several research awards, including awards from the American Skin Association, Doris Duke Foundation, and selected as the Society for Investigative Dermatology Rising Star Lecture in 2018. He was elected as a member of the American Society for Clinical Investigation (ASCI) in 2020. He has received several NIH R01 awards and is the director of an NIH sponsored P30 Research Core Center at University of Michigan. He is currently a standing member of the NIH ACTS Study Section and on the Board of Scientific Counselors to NIAMS.
Thursday, May 12th, 11:00-12:00
Location: Fróði lecture hall, Sturlugata 8
Dr. Gudjonsson is the Arthur C. Curtis Professor of Skin Molecular Immunology and Professor of Dermatology, and Taubman Medical Research Institute Scholar, at the University of Michigan.