Basic and translational studies on the second largest source of mutation in cancer

2. March 2023
11:00 til 12:00
Sturlugata 8
Fróði auditorium

GPMLS distinguished lecture series

Professor Reuben S. Harris will give a lecture titled Basic and translational studies on the second largest source of mutation in cancer in our distinguished lecture series in Fróði auditorium the 2nd of March at 11:00-12:00. GPMLS will also invite students/post docs to lunch with Dr. Harris after his presentation, so if you are interested please sign up here.

Professor Reuben S.Harris

Dr. Harris is a professor and chair of the biochemistry and structural biology department at the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio and a professor and chairman at Howard Hughes Medical Institute. The Harris Lab uses a large repertoire of model systems and experimental approaches to understand how DNA mutating enzymes /APOBECs) provide immunity against viral infections, yet in many cases also contribute to tumor evolution through genomic DNA mutagenesis. Another goal of the Harris Lab is to translate these fundamental scientific discoveries into novel therapeutics against viruses and cancer.