Jón Jóhannes Jónsson
Professor at Faculty of Medicine, School of Health Sciences, University of Iceland
Chair of Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Faculty of Medicine
Medical Director of Department of Genetics and Molecular Medicine at Landspitali University Hospital
E-mail: jonjj (at) hi.is
Phone: +354-824-5917
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Læknagarður, Room-504, Vatnsmýrarvegi 16, 101 Reykjavik
(work in progress)

1983 a medical degree from University of Iceland
1992 PhD from University of Minnesota.
After basic postgraduate training in internal medicine and clinical biochemistry at University of Iceland Jonsson trained in laboratory medicine, clinical biochemistry and medical genetics at University of Minnesota and Yale University. Currently professor and chair of Dept. of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at the University of Iceland and medical director of the Dept. of Genetics and Molecular Medicine at Landspitali - University Hospital.
The Jonsson laboratory is interested in the genetic material from molecules up to the human genome. The group conducts research in the following three areas:
1) We have invented new methods of two-dimensional electrophoresis to study characteristics of nucleic acid molecules. We are currently investigating how these methods can be used to analyze changes and lesions in DNA both in vivo and in vitro in biosamples from forensic work and in biobanks. In vivo studies currently focus on the diagnosis of DNA repair disorders and theranostics in cancer treatment. We are also studying how two-dimensional electrophoresis can be used to improve quality of work with complex nucleic acid samples.
2) Various projects in human molecular genetics looking at frequencies and significance of genetic variation in individuals with certain genetic diseases.
3) Ethics in genetics and laboratory medicine.