The development of extracellular vesicles (EVs) as nanodrug carriers

Berglind Eva Benediktsdóttir
1. April 2022
12:30 til 13:15
Room 157

Room 157

We will have a seminar this Friday (01.04) from Dr. Berglind Eva Benediktsdóttir, Associate Professor at the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Iceland. The seminar will be on-site.

Title: The development of extracellular vesicles (EVs) as nanodrug carriers: First steps in engineering targeted EVs against EGFR+ cancers
Abstract: Patients diagnosed with EGFR+ cancers, including triple-negative breast, ovarian and bladder cancer, frequently have poor survival rates. Despite current availability of targeted therapies against EGFR+ cancers, such as monoclonal antibodies, there are advantages in having different cancer therapies in one’s arsenal for successful cancer treatment. Extracellular vesicles (EVs), nanoscale vesicles generated in human cells, have attractive properties as nanodrug carriers for cancer treatment; namely the ability to carry labile molecules, relatively long circulation half-life and accumulation at the cancer site. The EVs parent cell lines can be engineered to express specific surface ligands, resulting in targeted EVs against certain subtypes of cancer. In this talk, I will present the current work aimed at generating stable cell lines that release targeted EVs against EGFR+ cells