Building the Australian RNA ecosystem
11:00 til 13:00
Páll Þórðarson, Professor of Chemistry, University of New South Wales (UNSW) and Director of the UNSW RNA Institute Sydney, Australia
Building the Australian RNA ecosystem
Páll Þórðarson has worked as a Professor of Chemistry at the University of New South Wales since 2007, where he conducts research in the field of nanomedicine, supramolecular and physiological chemistry. In recent years, he has led a group of scientists who have built up research in the field of RNA biology and chemistry, which has now led to the establishment of a new institution called the UNSW RNA Institute, which is led by Páll.
Páll has also led the cooperation of 14 Universities in New South Wales on the development of the field of RNA, with the aim of promoting research in the field while also laying the ground for the RNA industry in Australia. Páll will tell us about this work and how he intends to build up knowledge about RNA in Australia.
Uppbygging ástralska RNA vistkerfisins
Páll Þórðarson hefur starfað sem prófessor í efnafræði við University of New South Wales síðan 2007 þar sem hann stundar rannsóknir á sviði nanomedicine, supramolecular og lífeðlisfræðilegrar efnafræði. Undanfarin ár hefur hann leitt hóp vísindamann sem hafa byggt upp rannsóknir á svið líf- og efnafræði RNA sem hefur nú leitt til nýrrar stofnunar sem nefnist UNSW RNA Institute og er leidd af Páli.
Páll hefur einnig leitt samstarf 14 háskóla í New South Wales um uppbyggingu á svið RNA með það að markmiði að efla rannsóknir á sviðinu en einnig setja traustar stoðir undir RNA-iðnaðinn í Ástralíu. Páll mun segja okkur frá þessu starfi og hvernig ætlunin er að byggja upp þekkingu á RNA í Ástralíu.

Páll Þórðarson, Professor of Chemistry, University of New South Wales (UNSW) and Director of the UNSW RNA Institute Sydney, Australia.
Lecture in Askja, room 132 June 22 at 11:00