BD FACSDiscover S8 cell sorter
12:00 til 13:00
Date: Wednesday 11th of September at 12:00-13:00 in Læknagarður, room 201
Title: BD FACSDiscover S8 cell sorter tekinn í notkun á Ónæmisfræðideild Landspítala
Speaker: Adrian Lopez Garcia de Lomana, Research Specialist | Biomedical Center, University of Iceland
Abstract: BDFACSDiscover S8 Cell Sorter is the first spectral flow cytometer sorter than also has a sort-capable image analysis. The image analysis is based on the BD CellView Image Technology that generates images in real-time and generates different parameters describing image features such as cell shape (eccentricity) and signal location (delta center of mass). This enables the user to obtain insights on cell populations and characteristics that can not only be visually confirmed but also expressed numerically. Spectral flow is a relatively new way of doing flow cytometry, where the entire visible spectrum of emission is captured instead of a predefined single optical filter. This approach increases flexibility in choice of fluorophores as well as allowing for the characterization of autofluorescence and its subtraction.
In this talk, the technology behind these novel approaches will be discussed and examples for different experimental approaches described. A BD FACSDiscover has just been installed at the Department of Immunology, Landspitali and is open for use for the Icelandic scientific community. We will be welcoming researchers to test the instrument with the option of bringing their own experimental material on Thursday 12th of September. If you want to register for a session mail to:
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