Adrián López García de Lomana
Research Specialist, University of Iceland, Faculty of Medicine
adrian [at]
Location:Faculty of Medicine, School of Health Sciences, University of Iceland. Center of Systems Biology, University of Iceland, Sturlugata 8, 102 Reykjavík, Iceland.
Research profile - Publication
(work in progress)

2020-present Research Specialist. University of Iceland, Reykjavík, Iceland.
2018-2020 Senior Research Scientist. Institute for Systems Biology, Seattle, USA.
2016-2018 Research Scientist. Institute for Systems Biology, Seattle, USA.
2013-2016 Postdoctoral Research Fellow. Institute for Systems Biology, Seattle, USA.
2011-2013 Postdoctoral Research Fellow. University of Zurich, Zürich, Switzerland.
2004-2010 PhD in Biomedicine. Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona, Spain.
1999-2003 Licenciatura (BSc+MSc) in Biochemistry. University of Navarra, Pamplona, Spain.
A biologist at heart, Adrián completed a four-year degree (Licenciatura) in Biochemistry. Aiming to acquire a deeper understanding of the quantitative aspects of molecular biology, he successfully completed a purely computational PhD project at Pompeu Fabra University under the mentorship of Prof. Jordi Villa i Freixà. Next, he moved to Zürich as a postdoctoral researcher in evolutionary biology under the supervision of Prof. Andreas Wagner. Then he moved to the Institute of Systems Biology within the group of Prof. Nitin Baliga. There, he studied multiple biological phenomena including (1) microbial cell state transitions, (2) transcriptional programs impacting the metabolism in green algae, (3) translational regulation of gene expression, (4) experimental evolution of adaptive traits, and (5) therapy resistance and relapse in cancer.
I am ultimately interested in understanding how the dynamics of gene regulation modulate cell states and their transitions. Specifically, at the Center for Systems Biology in Óttar Rolfsson lab, I am currently working on identifying novel transcriptional and metabolic mechanisms of endothelial dysfunction.
Selected publications
Park JH, Feroze AH, Emerson SN, Mihalas AB, Keene CD, Cimino PJ, López García de Lomana A, Kannan K, Wu W-J, Turkarslan S, Baliga NS, Patel AP. A single-cell based precision medicine approach using glioblastoma patient-specific models. NPJ Precision Oncology (2022)
Wall MA, Turkarslan S, Wu W-J, Danziger SA, Reiss DJ, Mason MJ, Dervan AP, Trotter MWB, Bassett D, Hershberg RM, López García de Lomana A, Ratushny AV and Baliga NS. Genetic program activity delineates risk, relapse, and therapy responsiveness in multiple myeloma. NPJ Precision Oncology (2021)
Immanuel SRC, Arrieta-Ortiz ML, Ruiz RA, Pan M, López García de Lomana A, Peterson EJR and Baliga NS. Quantitative prediction of conditional vulnerabilities in regulatory and metabolic networks using PRIME. NPJ Systems Biology and Applications (2021)
Valenzuela JJ, López García de Lomana A, Lee A, Armbrust EV, Orellana MV and Baliga NS. Ocean acidification conditions increase resilience of marine diatoms. Nature Communications (2018)
López García de Lomana A, Kaur A, Turkarslan S, Beer KD, Mast FD, Smith JJ, Aitchison JD and Baliga NS. Adaptive Prediction Emerges Over Short Evolutionary Time Scales. Genome Biology and Evolution (2017)