The Biomedical Center is well equipped in terms for high-throughputsequencing and offers access to several Next-generation sequencing instruments, including an Illumina iSeq, MiSeq and NextSeq 550Dx. In addition, it offers access to a PromethION Oxford Nanopore sequencer for long read DNA and RNA sequencing as well as DNA/RNA modification analysis.
The University of Iceland and Landspitali University Hospital have several Next-Generation sequencing instruments from Illumina available that facilitate small to large sized sequencing projects. Trained staff run all the instruments and can assist in setting up a sequencing run.
- iSeq 100 Sequencing System, located at Sturlugata 8, is a benchtop sequencer that acquires up to 4M reads (1.2 Gb) per run of a max of 2x150bp read length. This allows users to run simple DNA/RNA sequencing in an affordable manner, e.g. microbial genome sequencing or targeted DNA sequencing to focus on a selected set of genes or gene regions. Any Illumina library can be run on the iSeq, with multiplexing available, making this an ideal tool for library QC prior to deep sequencing. For more information contact: Kimberley Anderson ( or Hans Tómas Björnsson (
- MiSeq Sequencing System, located at Læknagarður 5th floor, is a medium sized benchtop sequencer that facilitates a wide range of applications. It acquires up to 25M reads (15Gb) per run of max 2x300bp read length. This allows users to run smaller sequencing projects, e.g. Shallow sequencing of libraries, small genome sequencing or targeted gene sequencing. For more information contact: Eiríkur Briem (
- NextSeq 550Dx is a large benchtop sequencer, located at Læknagarður 5th floor. It acquires up to 400M reads (120 Gb) per run of a max of 2x 150bp in RUO mode. It allows users to run transcriptome sequencing, genome sequencing, arrays, targeted sequencing and bisulfite-based DNA methylation sequencing experiments. For more information contact: Eiríkur Briem (
The University of Iceland acquired a Nanopore PromethION 24 sequencer from Oxford Nanopore in 2022, currently located at Sturlugata 8. Trained staff can assist in setting up a Nanopore sequencing experiment and run the instrument.
- PromethION 24 is a high throughput sequencer from Nanopore, able to run 24 flow-cells and perform base-calling of the data simultaneously. This facilitates both large experiments and many users to run their experiments at the same time. It acquires ultra-long reads (>150kb) and up to 290 Gb per flowcell at the rate of 420 bases / second. Both DNA and RNA sequencing experiments are possible and the technology facilitates multiple types of downstream analysis, including nucleotide modification detection (5mC and 5hmC for DNA and m6A for RNA), SNP detection, differential isoform expression, phasing etc. For more information contact: Kimberley Anderson ( or Hans Tómas Björnsson (
- MinION is the smallest sequencing instrument available and can be used for investigators wanting to test the technology prior to going to full genome (i.e. promethION) performing small genome or transcriptome sequencing and metagenomics. It acquires both RNA and DNA reads up to 50Gb at a maximum rate of 420 bases /second. For more information contact: Eiríkur Briem (
Dr. Katrín Halldórsdóttir (